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DoLquest: Roles and Impact Value in Professional Coaching
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DoLquest: Roles and Impact Value in Professional Coaching

DoLquest, a Strategic Asset for a Professional Coach: Roles and Added Value. A Unique Support Aligned with the Rigorous Ethics of Professional Coaching.

For the professional coach, DoLquest plays several key roles that offer a broad palette and unparalleled added value. It enriches the practice of professional coaching through its specific roles:

  • Enhancer Role: DoLquest highlights each individual's uniqueness. and emphasises the professional coach’s genuine role

  • Accelerator Role: DoLquest accelerates and potentiates the coaching mission

  • Decipherer Role: as a decoder, DoLquest provides keys to understanding oneself, others and the world

  • Reflexive Role: DoLquest Enhances Reflexivity, an Eminent Quality of innnovative Leadership

  • Enabler Role: enabling, empowering, even authorising the individuel to be oneself, unique and not comparable

  • And the Keystone Role, The Awakener, raising awareness in a practical way

For the professional Coach, DoLquest is a source and a continuum of discovery. Each DoLquest Systemic Profile is unique, making each one a discovery and an opportunity for learning and opening up new, intelligent perspectives.

This article is the first in a triptych aimed at clarifying the unique approach of DoLquest Systemic in one of its privileged areas, professional coaching.

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