DoLquest Systemic

Systemic Approach to Successful Transformations

Training, Executive Coaching, Tutoring, Strategic Consulting, Systems Thinking, Supervision.

Solid Methodology, Inspiring Approach, Innovative Systemic Profile

Developing Eminent Soft Skills

DoLquest's specific methodologies contribute directly and practically to supporting the development of Level 2 skills, the eminent skills that are critical and necessary for leadership in a complex and uncertain environment, those that enable links and bridges to be built between fields, beyond the job itself.

These are the eminent skills that DoLquest Systemic, Creator of Synapses, knows how to develop. Beyond business skills, these are the skills that create links and bridges, synonymous with adaptability, resilience, and innovation. They are the hallmark of the leaders of this century.

Bringing to light hidden resources

Creating new synapses means increasing our awareness and intelligence of ourselves, others and the world by making new connections between what surrounds us and what we know. This is applied systems thinking as DoLquest understands it.

This is applied systems thinking. This is what DoLquest Systemic is about.

The human being, the most complex system there is, cannot be reduced to a single category or dimension. Not the team and certainly not the organisation. Each one is unique. This rediscovered complexity gives rise to an infinite number of possibilities.

This is what DoLquest believes in, born systemic and based on the science of complex systems.

Successfully Transforming

Change is not transformation. The benefit of change or re-engineering is to improve what already exists. In a complex world, the key to leading and succeeding is not to support change, but rather to enhance successful transformation.

Successful transformation, for an individual or an organisation, has three essential characteristics. It must come from the inside-out, revisit the roots or foundations, and respects what has to remain stable. Respect what remains stable.

This is how DoLquest supports and fosters successful transformations.

DoLquest Systemic

for leaders and companies with impact

DoLquest Sistemic supports the development of eminent competencies. Those that are critical and necessary for leaders and teams to succeed in complex and uncertain environments. It serves the sustainable success of individuals, teams and client organisations with over 20 years of experience.

  • Getting access to eminent, crucial, soft skills

    Develop intrinsic qualities and outstanding skills that deliver sustainable results in complex environments.

  • Laying the foundations for successful transformation

    Contribute to founding and supporting for transformation projects, at individual, team, organisational level.

  • Practical training in ecosystems as a lever for sustainable growth

    What if an ecosystem-based approach to business started with you? Based on a practical and inspiring method.

  • Getting high performing teams through sync method

    Creating congruence within the team, restoring breathing space and fostering the team as a whole and a unique being.

Does it make sense to you?

A Quest for Meaning

A DoLquest proposal for anyone looking for a sense of purpose in their professional life and wanting the keys to a concrete, practical and stimulating made-to-measure response.

The word "Sense" has many meanings. We've chosen the 4 that we think are the most essential for building meaning for you in your professional life in a lasting and sustainable way. Meaning as Direction, as Value, as Meaning of the world, as the right Meaning of things.

The Quest for Meaning with DoLquest Systemic is an exploration with you of these 4 components to create your own "My Meaning Map". Based on your unique Systemic DoLquest Profile. No two are alike.

Systems Thinking applied to the Quest for Meaning

Solid Method, Innovative Support, Inspiring Approach

DoLquest collab X Camille Sperzagni Marie E. Boury Daniela Ferdeghini Emanuele Moscato

  • Unveil emerging potentialities

  • Everyone is unique, evolving and rich in potentialities

  • Create new synapses and unlock your intelligence to the world

  • A touch of infinite

  • Decipher the impact of context on you

  • Stability enables movement

  • The present is the presence

  • Universe is all about interacting and connecting

  • Awareness is the key to being able to listen to others and to the world

  • Life is a quest, not a test

  • ''I still remember it 10 years later, it was a unique, extraordinary, unbelievable moment. A turning point in my life.''

  • ''An awareness of who I was and what my potential was. And, most importantly, how to go about developing it.''

  • ''DoLquest is a systemic, multifaceted, multidimensional vision of individuals in all their contexts.''

  • ''So many things, how can it be? I'm speechless. I've never experienced a debriefing with such a succession of insights.''

  • ''I was seduced by the systemic aspect, the different levels, the density, a real read and a lot of food for thought. I'm susceptible to categorisation, it's not, I like that!''

  • ''Powerful. Breathtaking. A very subtle yet accessible approach.''

  • ''It integrates the complexity of the human being. It values it. Others have said it before, but this is an approach that does it, in a concrete way. It's rare and precious.''

  • ''I'm dazzled. I am in awe. Such depth. It's striking. The question of what it takes to move forward comes up, with full respect for the person. It's amazing.''

  • ''It's not about conforming to a 'model' of behaviour, but about grasping the complexity of the moment, of the system, of the company. This gives us a perspective that allows us to experience professional relationships in a more serene way, and to appreciate the enrichment that can be found where we previously only saw misunderstandings or even conflicts.''

  • ''Comparing, calibrating and categorising was killing me. Here, now, I can live and breathe. I can expand and rediscover perspective.''

  • ''I was looking for a practical, concrete and inspiring systemic approach. I've definitely found it.''

  • ''I was blown away by the relevance and finesse of the approach. In a way, it reconciled me with myself, with what makes me unique. I rediscovered my personal construction and my long history. It gave me a broad and unique perspective, particularly on my potential.''

  • ''Striking. A very subtle yet accessible approach.''

  • ''I'm familiar with the systemic approach but this is the first time I've really experienced it. It's the first time I've actually had the experience of living the systemic approach. I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to reconnect with myself, with who I am at the deepest level, so that I can have a solid foundation for my next step on solid foundations. With DoLquest, that's it, it's the foundation stone.''

DoLquest Academy

For Professionals wishing to gain knowledge of or use DoLquest and benefit from a solid method, innovative support and an inspiring approach.

The DoLquest Academy offers training courses and workshops for coaching and development professionals in their professional coaching, bespoke training, strategic consulting, tutoring and systems thinking activities.

With DoLquest, these courses enable them to develop critical and eminent "soft skills", to learn a solid method, and to be able to use an innovative support, the systemic profiles.

The offer is aimed at senior professionals who have already been trained and who want to stand out from the crowd, enhance their professionalism and join a stimulating team.

Haute Ecole

For companies and organisations looking for innovative, inspiring and operational training in the short and long term.

Tailor-made training and programmes designed for companies and leaders looking for innovative, inspiring and operational training in the short and long term, for themselves and their teams. They are implemented by DoLquest's "Systemic Accredited" Tutors and Experts, who are trained and supervised to implement DoLquest Systemic methods and programmes.

In addition, DoLquest Systemic naturally accompanies successful transformations and has also developed tailor-made training courses for the implementation of eminent skills, those that are critical in an uncertain environment.

DoLquest Systemic for professionals

DoLquest Systemic supports the development of essential senior-level skills for professionals involved in the coaching, development or training of people, managers and leaders, serving the world of business and organisations.

  • The Workshops to enhance and enrich your professional approach

    Training, experimenting and deploying eminent skills.

    DoLquest Systemic enables you to move up to level 2, the eminent level, for skills that are crucial to training, coaching and consulting in complex environments.

  • Intelligence of Energies, a deep dive into a new key competence, an inspiring Workshop

    A critical and essential area, that of Energies, both internal and external, a theme whose rise to prominence is only just beginning.

    The PERSPECTIVE ENERGIE workshop will help you tackle it professionally.

  • Using DoLquest in your professional practice, the accreditating course

    DoLquest Systemic offers systemic professionals working with managers and executives a high-level training and tutoring programme with final certification.

    Mainly reserved for senior business professionals.

  • Training in the practice of TeamIN, the cornerstone of the company's success

    You are a Team Coach or Strategy Consultant and have a good level of experience of team operations and issues.

    TeamIN training will increase and enhance your potential as a team coach.

DoLquest Systemic Grand Correspondents

Let’s meet

Meetings for the corporate world

Aimed at entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and company executives.

They show the concrete benefits of systemic thinking applied with DoLquest Systemic, for the leader, the team and the company.


On-measure Meetings

For an existing group or team that wants to find out more.

These meetings provide answers to your specific questions, help you understand the context and the issues at stake, and provide the information you need to make your decision.


Information Webinars

For professionals who want to find out more about the specific benefits of DoLquest.

Professional coaches, systems thinkers, consultants, trainers, human resources. Introduction, followed by questions and answers (45').


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